Conference Venues


  1. HotOS: Hot Topics in Operating Systems – Happens every two years
  2. SOSP: Symposium on Operating Systems Principles – Happens every year


  1. OSDI: Operating Systems Design and Implementation – Happens every year
  2. NSDI: Networked Systems Design and Implementation – Happens every year
  3. ATC: Annual Technical Conference – Happens every year

Other Venues

  1. ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems – Happens every year
  2. EuroSys: European Conference on Computer Systems – Happens every year

SOSP generally holds the highest prestige for its exclusive focus on operating system principles. ASPLOS and EuroSys have broader scopes, encompassing system architecture and programming languages. HotOS focuses more specifically on operating systems design and implementation.


Other Useful Resources

  1. LWN Conference Index
  2. Android Kernel (Common)
  3. Android Kernel Documentation
  4. Android Kernel Config
  5. Linux Kernel Summit: Event Archive
  6. Embedded Linux Conferences: Event Information
  7. FOSDEM AOSP Track: Event Schedule
  8. Linux Foundation Events (2023 Archive)

LPC (Very Useful)

Kernel: Session 177, Session 176

SOSP and USENIX ATC are highly relevant for Android Kernel topics such as memory management, scheduling algorithms, file systems, security mechanisms, and virtualization technology.

Also, check arXiv (not peer-reviewed), maintained by Cornell University.